Health and Productivity Management Initiatives

The Metal One Group considers the personal strengths of all our employees to be the collective source of the company’s competitiveness. Health management is a key theme when it comes to maximizing employees’ capabilities in each workplace. As such, we are pursuing various health and productivity management initiatives as we strive to create workplaces where all employees can work enthusiastically and in good mental and physical health.

Our Management Declaration on Health and Productivity

Metal One set forth the Management Declaration on Health and Productivity on October 1, 2020 because our employees are the company’s key asset, and we believe that creating an environment where they can work with peace of mind is a crucial management issue.
We also set up our Wellness Center at the same time within the Human Resources Department. The center takes the lead on enhancing health-related measures while strictly fulfilling legal criteria for health and personnel management.

The Management Declaration on Health and Productivity

In line with Metal One’s corporate philosophy on global citizenship, we will strive to manage health and productivity in a way that enables employees and the company to grow together. We declare that we will work tirelessly to create pleasant workplaces and bolster our health promotion policies. This is one part of our efforts to continue being a company full of smiles and vitality, where all our employees and their families are both mentally and physically healthy.

Recognized for excellent corporate health and productivity management

Excellent Health and Productivity Management Corporation2024

Metal One has been recognized in the large enterprise category for these areas since 2018, running under a corporate health and productivity management program operated jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and NPO Nippon Kenko Kaigi that acknowledges outstanding corporate health and productivity management.
This program publicly celebrates enterprises that put into practice particularly outstanding health and productivity management, based on their efforts on health issues and the health promotion efforts Nippon Kenko Kaigi carries out.
Metal One will continue to implement various measures that improve employee health literacy, with our Wellness Center ensuring that we maintain our commitment to promote health and productivity management.

Organizational structure

The Human Resources and Organization Committee, an advisory body to the president and CEO, oversees Metal One’s health and productivity management, and the Human Resources Department promotes this work.
With the Wellness Center of the Human Resources Department taking the lead, we have established an organization to promote ongoing measures. For example, we have assigned dedicated personnel for this purpose at Tokyo headquarters and at the Nagoya and Osaka branches as well. We also work closely with organizations in the Human Resources Department as well as public health nurses, Sojitz Corporation’s health insurance association, occupational health physicians and clinical psychologists.

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Strategy guidelines for health and productivity management

We have declared our intention to work tirelessly on health and productivity management initiatives to ensure that we continue being a company full of smiles and vitality, where all our employees and their families are both mentally and physically healthy. We have drafted strategy guidelines for protecting the mental and physical health of employees and creating healthy workplace environments. We have specified various indices for monitoring the status of our progress on health and productivity management measures, and are working on enhancements.

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Programs and policies

  • Improve employee physical condition, early detection and illness prevention

    Working together with health insurance associations, we conduct regular health checkups in line with the Industrial Safety and Health Act. We also conduct full medical checkups for employees thirty-five years of age and older, adding special exams such as cancer screening, gynecological exams and more. Metal One cares about the welfare of our employees and their family members, so we recommend that family members of employees receive checkups as well, whether in Japan or overseas.
    We are taking steps to achieve a 100 percent checkup rate for regular health checkups, both in Japan and overseas.

  • Mental health measures

    Our drive to improve work environments includes offering individual stress assessments for all employees in Japan and overseas, as well as arranging consultations with industrial health physicians for highly stressed employees. Health maintenance personnel will also conduct interviews if organizational analyses indicate that the employee’s department is a high-stress workplace.
    In addition, we conduct mental health e-learning sessions for all employees, and training sessions for newly appointed managers in which industrial health physicians provide guidance on mental health care methods to use with their subordinates. We arrange interviews for new employees with public health nurses and mental health training for instructors.

    Along with all that, we have set up mental health support services for employees and their family members in Japan and overseas through outside agencies.

  • Working modes

    We have drawn up our own guidelines regarding long working hours from the perspectives of adhering to laws and regulations as well as safety considerations. We check employees at every level for chronic fatigue whenever they exceed the designated number of working hours, and have anyone exhibiting high levels of fatigue undergo health checks by industrial health physicians.
    To encourage our employees to regularly take time off, we have been striving for an overall rate of paid leave exceeding 70 percent. We are implementing working modes that increase productivity and efficiency while maintaining an awareness of good work-life balance.

  • Infectious disease countermeasures

    We pay all vaccination fees to prevent outbreaks of influenza, conducting group vaccinations on demand.
    We also conduct viral hepatitis antibody tests during health checkups for employees thirty-five and older, and pay all vaccination fees for employees posted overseas and their family members.
    Additionally, we allow employees who have become ill to use work-from-home programs that suit their physical condition.

  • Secondhand smoke prevention

    We have adopted smoking cessation programs that encourage and support smokers who want to quit smoking. This includes regular counseling by public health nurses as well as assistance with treatment costs for personnel who successfully quit smoking after undergoing outpatient treatment.
    We also regularly distribute information about tobacco’s health effects and secondhand smoke, and conduct e-learning sessions to deepen understanding on these topics.

  • Enhancing health literacy

    We have been conducting health support seminars for our employees since fiscal 2021, focusing on four areas—food, exercise, mental health, and improving one’s physical condition—as a measure to prevent pre-symptomatic conditions and illnesses.
    In addition, we distribute health-related information in the Metal One Group’s in-house magazine, via email, and on electronic bulletin boards.

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Target indicators

We have specified target indicators to monitor the status of our progress in achieving our goals for health and productivity management.
We are implementing appropriate measures to achieve the respective target numbers.

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  1. Percentage of employees who took advantage of programs for time off or absence from work due to injury or illness outside working hours (not including annual paid leave)
  2. The work functioning impairment scale, known as Wfun, measures the extent of work function impairment arising from health issues, with a general assessment of organizational work functioning noted; a higher score indicates better conditions, with 100 percent being the highest score possible
  3. Percentage of personnel responding “six or more hours of sleep daily”
  4. Percentage of personnel responding “worked up a light sweat during single exercise sessions of thirty minutes or more twice or more per week”
  5. Percentage of personnel responding “Drank alcohol equivalent to two medium-sized bottles of beer or fewer (or around 360 ml of saké) once or twice a week or less”
  6. Percentage of female employees with children using childcare is 100%
  7. Scores on new job stress questionnaire