Metal One’s Corporate Social Responsibility

With the core principles of our corporate philosophy—“global citizen,” “honesty and virtue,” and “aspirations and creativity”—as the basis for our group’s corporate social responsibility efforts, the Metal One Group contributes to the realization of a sustainable society with all stakeholders, including our customers, business partners, employees, shareholders and the community.

CSR Charter

To contribute to the creation of an affluent society, the Metal One Group is committed to the creation of values through business activities in conformity with the three criteria for corporate social responsibility listed below.

  1. To obey all official laws and regulations, and behave responsibly in line with accepted social standards.
  2. To be considerate of the global environment.
  3. To contribute to the well-being of humankind and society.

Metal One’s Corporate Social Responsibility

The Metal One Group enriches people’s lives on a global scale through our business activities in steel product distribution. We understand diverse value systems as a truly global company, and always strive to be a company that society needs.

Corporate philosophy map

Modern Slavery Statement (Canada)