Guidelines and Systems for Our Environmental Efforts

Metal One operates businesses around the world and we are aware that the Earth is our biggest stakeholder. Companies and society cannot hope for sustainable growth without considering global environmental issues. We at Metal One believe that caring for the environment as we conduct our corporate activities is a vital element in remaining responsible to society as a company. Based on that belief, we drafted our Environmental Charter, which provides guidelines for the efforts in which employees should engage. We seek to preserve the environment during our daily work duties based on our basic environmental management policy.

Metal One Group Environmental Charter

Conscious of being a “global citizen” as proclaimed in our corporate philosophy, we hereby set forth the Metal One Group environmental charter, manifesting our desire to strive for sustainable social development through corporate activities that are solidly in harmony with our natural environment.

  • 01

    Respect the Natural Environment

    We will vigilantly endeavor to reduce our environmental impact and protect the environment, as well as to preserve biodiversity.

  • 02

    Contribute to Building a Recycling-Oriented Society

    We will strive for the sustainable, effective use of resources and energy, and contribute to building a recycling-oriented society.

  • 03

    Create and Advance Environmental Values

    We will reduce our environmental impact and protect the environment, always striving to create and advance environmental values.

  • 04

    Comply with Laws and Rules

    We will comply with all environmental laws and regulations, and conduct ourselves in conformity with international codes of conduct.

Environmental management system

Metal One’s president heads up the company’s environmental management system (EMS) administration organization, which provides guidelines related to the environment and implements EMS reviews. Each environmental management group appoints personnel to handle environmental management duties. All employees incorporate environmental management into their business activities. We also use ISO 14001 as a tool to promote environmental management, which helps us to operate our EMS effectively and undertake continuous improvements.

ISO 14001 certification and registration

We have expanded our efforts to more locations since our environmental management began at Tokyo headquarters in 2003 when our company was established. As of September 2023, six locations—Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Takamatsu, and Fukuoka—are ISO 14001 certified and registered. Fifteen consolidated subsidiaries in which we have stakes of 50 percent or more have also been certified.

Status of ISO 14001 certification and registration

Domestic business locations: 6

Domestic consolidated subsidiaries: 15

Environmental Efforts in Corporate Activities

Metal One actively promotes the effective use of resources and recycling during its business activities to help create a recycle-oriented society.

  • Supplying environmentally friendly steel products

    Metal One is intent on ensuring that environmentally friendly steel products gain greater popularity and wider adoption, viewing this as one responsibility of a company whose main businesses involve selling and processing steel products. Steel is a model material that is endlessly recyclable and reusable. The Metal One Group is the largest processor of iron, steel and stainless steel scrap in Japan, helping to create a resource-recycling society. In addition to handling steel materials used in facilities that generate renewable energy—including solar and wind power—we sell lightweight, durable, highly functional materials that steel manufacturers develop, helping to create a society that conserves resources and energy.

    Offshore wind power generation Offshore wind power generation
    Large amounts of steel plate are used in offshore wind power generators
  • Environment-related training

    Metal One has declared that global citizenship is an integral part of our corporate philosophy. To encourage a corporate culture in which all employees wholeheartedly devote efforts to preserving the environment, we also focus efforts on environment-related training and awareness programs. We offer seminars and training tailored for respective positions and roles in environmental management—such as officers, supervisors and personnel in charge of environmental management duties, and other employees—to raise our environmental awareness.

  • Environment-related volunteer activities

    The Metal One Group pursues environment-related activities every year, such as planting flowers and tree saplings, as well as cleanup efforts in parks and the neighborhoods around company buildings. For example, we joined a program to create forests that give off minimal pollen promoted by the Tokyo Development Foundation for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries from fiscal 2024. We began our afforestation efforts in a grove located in Tokyo, which we have named Company Forest: Metal One’s Forest of Growth in Hinode. Our tree-planting in this grove was carried out as part of Tokyo headquarters’ environment-related efforts for fiscal 2024. A total of 39 executives, employees and family members working up a good sweat planting around 240 tree saplings. From the perspective of the growing importance of resource recycling and protecting the Earth’s environment, leading up to a carbon-neutral society, we will continue to pursue environment-related efforts, always bearing the SDGs in mind.

    苗木の植樹活動 苗木の植樹活動
    The 39 participants planted around 240 tree saplings