Metal One Corporation
recognizes the importance of
protecting the personal information
of everyone who uses our website.
In accordance with
our company’s personal
information protection policy,
we view and handle that
information as described below:

01 Collecting personal information

When we collect personal information from visitors, we do so only to the extent necessary according to our purposes for using it, and after providing notice regarding the purposes for its use. We also provide our company’s contact information and clearly explain the extent to which our company provides that information to other companies.

02 Providing and/or disclosing
the personal information
of visitors to third parties

We will not provide and/or disclose the personal information of visitors to third parties without prior consent of the users except in the following situations:

  • Cases in which courts, supervisory authorities or other public sector authorities make compulsory requests for its provision and/or disclosure
  • When providing or disclosing said information to the extent necessary for external contractors to whom we have been contracted management of this website’s operations to carry out relevant subcontracted operations, after first concluding confidentiality agreements
  • Other, unspecified cases

03 About cookies

“Cookies” are small text files sent to the computers of visitors for the purpose of maintaining a record of their visits to the website. Most sites now use cookies for the purpose of offering visitors access to useful features. Our website also uses cookies to provide repeat visitors with the best service when they visit us again. Using cookies makes it possible for us to recognize that the same visitors to our website are visiting us again. That said, visitors cannot be identified individually even though the computers they use are identified. Additionally, visitors can configure their browsers to refuse cookies.

04 Access logs

Our website records data about visitors in access logs. The recorded data include visitor IP addresses, access dates and times, but do not record data that would allow us to identify visitors individually. These access logs are used for website administration and analyses related to usage conditions.

05 Scope of applicability

The scope of applicability regarding the handling of personal information is limited to this website. Please check the respective policies of websites linked to this on regarding their protection of personal information policies.